mysteries -unsolved

Written by JULIANA VINCENT on 3:03 AM

hi guys,

This blog is all about the secrets hidden, very mysterious, that are not yet solved. Both the mysteries of the earth and the universe.


Has anyone thought about the fact that we are actually floating in space.Yes , you heard me right! floating in space. Just imagine that you can see the whole universe in front of you. Just like this..

now can you find your own galaxy???? just guess... cant? k! even i can't find my own galaxy. But don't you think our galaxy is beautiful to see. This is just a picture. But if you try to see it with your eyes it would be the most spectacular sight ever seen. Has anyone ever thought ...
what this universe is?
Is there any limit?
does it end anywhere? or
does anyone know the total number of Galaxy's present in this universe? or
the number of stars present ?
why is the space sooo dark?
why are the stars present?
why is there a moon?
why is there a sun for each solar system?
why there is a planet? why does it rotate?
how come something like the sun burns like hell.. and floats in space?
why does the planets revolve around the sun?
is there another earth?
does the other earths completely replicate us?
can the planet fall down?
is there anything beneath the universe?

what a majestic piece of work! don't you think!!!

There are a heck a lot of question which can be raised regarding the existence of the universe.
Can any one come to the conclusion that these planets ,stars , Galaxy's, just formed like that?
Another thought just struck my mind. don't you think that a solar system resembles an atom?
A solar system has a SUN in the center and about 9 to 10 planets revolving around it. Whereas an atom has a nucleus in the center and accountable no.of. electrons revolving around it. SO can we say the SOLAR SYSTEM as present largest version of an ATOM ?

Now on that account shall we compare the molecule to that of the universe??
or just think.. just for fun OK!!

now compare the particle to that of something bigger than universe!!
all know that particles together form a solid substance, is it not?
so just imagine.. does all the Galaxy's, stars, together form some solid substance??
and we are like micro.. or nano..or something still smaller than that thriving in that substance!!!
and further more imagine that this substance is in some ones hand! may be its GOD or it is some one else!!. who can know?

just imagine how this would be, when the whole universe is being is used by some one. This is all just imagination. After all ... science and human mind assume things.. which are not possible. But what if that imagination becomes a possibility!!!


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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ mysteries -unsolved ”

  2. By Unknown on July 16, 2008 at 11:34 PM

    good imagination