Written by JULIANA VINCENT on 7:08 AM


This is said to be the SECOND largest planet in the solar system(SATURN). Don't you you think that this planet is unique when compared to other planets in the solar system?

what makes this planet unique?
Is it the size?

Is it the no.of moons it has?

one can obviously guess it. yes.! its the RING of SATURN

people say that this ring is because of the collisions between the moons of the saturn some 100 million years back. It is understood that there is a force of attraction in other words the gravitational force that is keeping all the particles revolving around the planet. Why is this particular feature not present in any other planet?.

Recent studies say that Earth too once had rings like saturn some millions of years ago. but the study is not yet verified I believe. Talking about the gravitational force , how can there be a thin line of gravitational force on the second largest planet in the solar system which leads to the formation of the ring? Isn't there any gravity anywhere else on the planet?

why is there gravity only along the diameter of the planet? how can that be?

how is the force of gravity formed?

why is it absent/missing in the other parts of the saturn?

Has anyone thought about that?

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